Adopting animals from a shelters is an extremely rewarding experience, until finding out that most Chico apartments don’t allow animals.
When I first looked into getting a dog, I considered adopting from the Butte Humane Society. A small pit bull caught my eye, but one call to my apartment complex on Nord Avenue made it clear that I couldn’t take my new-found friend home.
This is the case with a lot of Chico State students who want a furry companion after a long day of studying. Pets relieve stress and can help take away the lonely feeling most people experience during their first year of college.
Unfortunately for those students, almost all of the apartments in Chico have a rule against having pets. Despite this, it seems like plenty of people have dogs in Chico and a majority seem to be college students. Against my better judgment, I went across the parking lot and adopted from Chico Animal Shelter, where they rely on the honor system.
The one-year-old Chihuahua’s silent and shaky demeanor made him a perfect friend to come home to at the end of the day. Although he had won me over, it was clear from our landlord’s notice of eviction that not everyone was fond of him.
It was a hard choice to let go of my dog, but after realizing the reasons why apartments do not allow dogs, it became gradually easier. Pets ruin apartment interiors from staining carpets to peeling off the wall paint.
I also didn’t spend enough time with my Chihuahua. I was at school or work most of the day and he had nothing else to do except chew on everything in the house.
Apartment complexes might only be looking out for their walls and floors, but animals need more attention than we can give them as college students.
It was heartbreaking. The house seemed quieter without the pitter-patter on the floor and the excited barking as I walk through the door, but I don’t recommend adopting for anyone whose landlords implement the “no animals” policy. It might seem unfair, but without the quality time to spend with them, it’s not fair to the cooped up dogs and cats either.
Marrion Cruz can be reached at or @theorion_news on Twitter.