Therapy isn’t something to be afraid of but in “Good with Faces,” the newest play featured at Blue Room Theatre, it can lead to breakthroughs in recovery or in a criminal case.
The audience follows Rose, played by Erin DeSeure, a woman who suffers from prosopagnosia, commonly known as face blindness. Rose is the only witness the police have to help them solve the case of Dr. Viland’s murder.
The actors embody the quirks of their characters well and have great comedic timing. Standout performances were Blake Nicole Ellis as Clarissa, a woman who takes interest in horses to another level, and Rob Wilson as the late Dr. Viland. As Clarissa has very few spoken lines in the show, Ellis is consistently funny with her physicality and facial expressions. Wilson captures the deep level of Dr. Viland’s unconventionality without making him feel too bizarre.
My biggest issue lies with the script itself. I recognize that ‘Good with Faces’ is not a typical play because it is not structured in a linear way. However, I left feeling more confused than I would have liked. I understand the premise, which is clever and enjoyable. However, as the play progressed, I had a hard time following what it was truly about.
Yes, there was a murder. Yes, the experiences of these patients and their doctor were interesting. But the message of this show was hard to decipher. During the characters’ monologues, I lost track of what the underlying point was. Some lines just felt like pseudo-intellectual filler, the kind of babble someone trying to impress their professor would use to fluff up a paper.
There is a fine line between having a successful abstract concept and losing your audience. There are moments where the script does shine – which were mostly comedic – such as Rose failing to act like every person she meets is someone she actually recognizes. These witty moments paired with the timing of the cast almost nullify the faults of the show.
Overall, I do recommend seeing the show, as it isn’t like anything I’ve seen before.
‘Good with Faces’ is currently running at Blue Room Theatre until April 1. For tickets and more information, visit its website.
Three out of five stars.
Adrianna McCain can be reached at or @theorion_arts on Twitter.