Dylan Gray wins A.S. President

Dylan Gray talks about his position for the upcoming year, after a successful campaign. Photo credit: Jacqueline Morales

Associated Student Election results are posted for 2017 to 2018.

The upcoming years A.S. officials have been selected with a voter turnout of a total 5,182 out of 17,224 voters, based on enrollment.

Student Dylan Gray was elected A.S. President with a total of 2,228 votes.

“I’m looking forward to meeting some new people in the administration, going out and representing the student body. I’m also looking forward to helping out the students. Hopefully, at the end of my term we’ll see an increase in student involvement and student achievement,” said Gray.

Final results of next semester’s A.S. board were posted with the total of votes.

Students campaign results with elected officials for the upcoming year. Photo credit: Jacqueline Morales
Student results for AS campaigns are posted. Photo credit: Jacqueline Morales

In regards to the proposition within the ballot, yes was the final voter result to oppose transportation of crude oil by rail in Chico.

Proposition to oppose transportation of crude oil by rail through Chico voter results. Photo credit: Jacqueline Morales

Jacqueline Morales can be reached at newseditor@theorion.com or @jackie_theorion on Twitter.