‘Remembering Kristina Chesterman’ spotlights safety awareness

The life of Kristina Chesterman was spotlighted at the event. Photo credit: Natalie Hanson

Members of the Chico Police Department and emergency responders came to campus to discuss awareness for drunk driving and bicycle safety Monday.

“Remembering Kristina Chesterman” is part of an effort to commemorate the life of a student who was struck by a vehicle in 2012.

Kristina Chesterman’s story and photos were displayed at the event. Photo credit: Natalie Hanson


An ambulance and two highway patrol vehicles were open on campus for students to check out.

An ambulance displaying interior open on campus for student inspection Photo credit: Natalie Hanson
The interior of an emergency vehicle was available for students to tour. Photo credit: Natalie Hanson


Tables for the Campus Alcohol & Drug Education Center, California Highway Patrol and other resources gathered around Trinity Commons for student information.
Officers such as Traffic Collision and Parking Enforcement, Mike DiGiordano, volunteered to take photos of students inside patrol cars.

One emergency responder, John Perry, said that he had just gotten off of a 36-hour shift to answer student questions at the event.

More information about drug and alcohol safety is available at CADEC.

Natalie Hanson can be reached at newseditor@theorion.com or @NatalieH_Orion on Twitter.