Photo by Aubrey Crosby
The construction of new teaching spaces among other renovations will commence over winter break.
The following projects will begin or continue once students and faculty have vacated the campus:
Taylor Hall
The building, which was constructed in 1961, will be demolished over the break to make room for the Arts and Humanities building. The new structure will provide classrooms, laboratory space and other amenities, from recording studios to art galleries, when completed in fall 2016.
Meriam Library Laptop Lounge
Separate from renovations that were needed following a water leak over the summer break, the library’s Laptop Lounge redesign will commence over the winter. The project involves building walls, shelves and replacing ceiling tiles to give students a private place to study, wrote university spokesman Joe Wills in an email to The Orion.
Plumas Hall
Room 303, an older classroom that is no longer used as a laboratory, will be redesigned over the break. The removal of countertops and placement of new furniture will allow the space to be transformed into a “smart classroom” with direct connectivity to the Internet, Wills wrote.
Tehema Hall
The walls of several first floor classrooms, offices and storage spaces around rooms 116 and 132 will be knocked down to create two large classroom spaces. The result of the project will create an area similar to the fourth floor of Meriam Library, Wills wrote.
Trinity Hall
The florescent lighting of Trinity Hall will be upgraded over the break. The renovation has already been done in other buildings, such as Meriam Library, in an effort to reduce energy consumption and maintenance costs, Wills wrote.
Butte Hall
The lobby in Butte Hall will be outfitted with LED television screens over the break. The screens, like those in the library, will provide students and faculty in the building with information targeted at their departments, Wills said. The first floor restrooms of Butte Hall will also be renovated for Americans with Disability Act compliance, including wheelchair accessibility.
Bell Memorial Union
The restrooms in the basement of the Bell Memorial Union will be renovated to be singular gender-neutral units.
Nicholas Carr can be reached atncarr@theorion.com or @nikecarr on Twitter