A vegetation fire struck near Forest Ranch on Highway 32 Monday evening.
The incident occurred around 8:30 p.m. The fire was located near Platt Mountain Road outside of Forest Ranch, and burned on both sides of the highway, according to Joshua Olszewski of Cal Fire.
“It burnt about a half to a full acre of vegetation under very windy conditions,” said Olszewski.
#Ranchfire gusty winds in the Forest Ranch area. Powerlines are down. 1 acre on both sides of Hwy 32 pic.twitter.com/xhnDjbriVw
— CALFIRE Butte County (@CALFIRE_ButteCo) February 13, 2018
Cal Fire stated that it was on the scene working to contain and extinguish the fire for four hours. The cause of the fire in this area is currently still under investigation.
No damage was done to any structures.
Tisha Cheney can be reached at newseditor@theorion.com or @orionnews_TC on Twitter.