Chicken taquitos is a great dish to make when you don’t have a lot of time to prep, but need something tasty and easy to make. Here is what you need and instructions on how to make these taquitos.
1. First, preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
2. Then in a bowl, debone the chicken and shred the meat.
3. Add the can of tomato sauce and mix with the shredded chicken.
4. Dice the onion and add to the bowl of chicken with tomato sauce.
5. Start filling the tortillas with the chicken mixture and shredded cheese.
6. Roll and secure them with a toothpick.
7. Put the rolled taquitos in a pan.
8. Brush the taquitos with vegetable oil.
9. Place the pan in the oven and leave the taquitos in for about 8-10 minutes or until the tortillas are golden brown.
10. Let the taquitos cool for about 2-3 minutes before you chow down.
11. Transfer the taquitos in a plate with your favorite side of salsa or sour cream.
12. Enjoy this easy and delicious dish.

Guillermo Felix-Alvor can be reached at or @FelixAlvor on Twitter.