We have all been there at some point, trying to socialize within a certain group leaves us feeling uneasy or being unable to find something on campus to our liking. Sometimes this leads up to students getting homesick, depressed or even stressed.
According to College Parent Central, several studies have shown that students who are active in campus activities are more engaged in the campus community and succeed more academically. Therefore, it’s important to know what happens on campus.
Getting involved on campus is the best way to find out what suits you. There are so many organizations, sports and programs that are willing to welcome you with open arms. Believe it or not, if you’re nervous about approaching others because you don’t feel like you’ll “fit in,” you most likely will. Members of organizations are always happy to include more people in their programs, they want you to feel welcomed and they want you to make friends.
Let’s say you’re not interested or don’t have the time to be a part of a group or socialize after class. There are alternatives that you can consider, such as stopping by tabling events, catching a game at the gaming club or doing some homework at the UHUB.
There are also events that Chico State campus holds such as Crafty Cats, Adulting 101 and Queer Prom, just to name a few. There is always something that can help you feel welcomed at Chico State, it just takes a small time out of your day to check them out.
There are various benefits when it comes to getting involved on campus, but the most important advantage is staying connected. Not only will you be creating friendships, you will also be networking with faculty and professionals in the field. According to International Study Guide, forging friendships will alleviate the usual homesickness and loneliness. Additionally, students are exposed to diverse culture, opinions and opportunities.
Don’t forget to surround yourself with people who support you. In the meantime, try not to overwhelm yourself because it does take commitment when participating in some of these activities.
Getting involved on campus can bring many benefits to a college student, especially when applying for future jobs. Although this shouldn’t be the sole reason for joining a group or participating in an activity, it may be something that can benefit your resume. During the process, we must remember to balance our priorities while finding time for extracurricular activities. However, this is one of the best ways to get distracted and steer you away from going home right after class and make you feel more comfortable in your environment.
For more information and a list of programs offered on campus, log in to Wildcat Sync.
Karen Limones can be reached at [email protected] or @theorion_news on Twitter.