Youth activist Xiuhtezcatl Martinez will appear in the Bell Memorial Union Auditorium Monday to speak about his role in climate change activism.
The event, which takes place from 3-5 p.m., is open to everyone with prior registration required.
At the age of 15, Xiuhtezcatl Martinez stood before representatives of the nearly 200 nations represented at the U.N. General Assembly on multiple occasions, urging world leaders to take united action against the threats of climate change.
Martinez is also well-known for his leadership role in Earth Guardians, a youth-led group who organized a lawsuit against the United States government under the fifth amendment in 2015.
The lawsuit, filed the year he also addressed the UN, argues that inaction on the part of the government to combat climate change threatens to deprive future generations of their constitutional rights to life, liberty, and property.
Martinez is also an accomplished MC and hip-hop artist.
Seating is limited and parking is also expected to be, according to the Institute of Sustainable Development, who is hosting the event at Chico State. Alternative forms of transportation or carpooling is suggested by the Institute if possible.
Josh Cozine can be reached at or @joshcozine on Twitter.