Students are off the hook to the tune of $228 for the next academic year.
In what many at Chico State are calling a welcome turn of events, it was announced Friday morning by the chancellor of the CSU system that proposed tuition increases for the next academic year are no longer being considered.
Two student leaders at Chico State’s chapter of Students for Quality Education(SQE), a major organizer of efforts to rally student’s in opposition to the increases, were able to be reached the same day. Both were surprised but happy with the news, and what it means to students.
“To a lot of students it’s one less thing to worry about,” said Jamie Cabrera, one of the lead organizers for Chico SQE, “That’s their money for shoes, or food, or gas for commuting to class,” she said.
She said she was proud to have been a part of the fight against tuition increases, and is proud of her fellow students for showing up to support, “This happened because of student action,” she said.
Alejandro Alfaro Ramirez, another organizer with SQE, reiterated the importance of student involvement, but also wanted to give a shout-out to others who lent their support. He said faculty, members of the AS, and even admin all helped to stop this increase.
“It was a cool thing, (President Hutchinson) taking that box and reading the comment cards to legislators,” he said, referring to a box of comments he and other SQE members delivered to the president’s office, that she then read to legislators in early March.
“I want to see the same passion from the (admin), the AS, and the students…when it comes to voting on campus fee increases,” Ramirez said.
Cabrera also mentioned the upcoming vote on proposed fee adjustments that students can vote on April 25 from 8 a.m. to April 26 at 8 a.m. when polls close. She wanted to remind students that the tuition increase is only off the table for this year, but can always come back up.
“The fight’s not over, this is only one battle, but it shows that we can win,” Cabrera said
Josh Cozine can be reached at or @joshcozine on Twitter.