The University Farm will host a Friday market Jan. 31 as part of its Organic Vegetable Project.
The Organic Vegetable Project is a collaboration between campus and community members dedicated to growing and selling organic produce, according to the project’s website.
The market is a natural fit because students already work on the farm every Friday, and many can’t make the Wednesday market on campus because of classes, said Tina Candelo-Mize, the farm’s field manager.
The farm also sells its meat every Thursday and Friday, so the farm hopes to capitalize on the meat-lab traffic, Candelo-Mize said.
Many meat customers already ask about available vegetables during their visits, said Lee Altier, Chico State College of Agriculture professor.
The Project expanded its 1 acre plot of land to 2 acres this semester, so it is growing more produce than ever before, Altier said.
The Friday market will be operate from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the University Farm, Candelo-Mize said.
Yessenia Funes can be reached at newseditor@orion.com or @theorion_yfunes on Twitter.