The weird thing about fitting in is that it there are three kinds of people.
There’s always that one person who sets the tone for what’s cool or interesting — the trendsetter.
These people’s views on the world are of the most importance. Why wouldn’t they? They seem to have been given that power by the masses.
This brings us to the second type of person. They are the kind of person who will lie about their almost lustful need to feel a part of something or anything.
These are the people who hang out with average people, pine after the “cool kids” and aspire to be like them. Basically, every best friend of the protagonist in every “coming of age” film.
And then there is the protagonist of those films. That one human who is spunky and off beat, but cool in their own way.
They march to the beat of a different drum, and that is what makes them so awesome.
The weird truth is that as children, we are dropped into a world where fitting in and giving in to what everyone thinks is cool translates into being cool or at least not being left out.
As people get older, they can choose continue this cycle.
Others refuse to compromise themselves anymore and become their own person.
This is what makes mankind special. Our own idiosyncrasies become more apparent the older we get, and in most cases being different forms greatness that others will emulate, and eventually try to duplicate.
But that’s okay, because when someone breaks the mold, everyone else has to figure out how to make a new one somehow.
Prin Mayowa can be reached at or@PrinSupreme on Twitter.