Zion Fozo, a first year political science major, is running for College of Behavioral and Social Sciences senator in the upcoming Associated Students general election.
Fozo, who uses the pronoun they, decided to attend Chico State when they were in eighth grade.
They have passion for leadership and involvement in the community by running for the senator position. Fozo plans to get students involved in more activities and have students’ voices be heard and represented.
“I want to be a good advocate for students both within the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, as well as beyond,” Fozo said.
They plan to work closely with students, have a one-on-one conversation with them in order to draft a plan that addresses the problems brought up and find a possible solution.
Fozo believes that the university has a moral obligation to be more equitable, diverse and inclusive and they plan to propose more funding to programs that achieve that mission.
Fozo shared a quote from the TV show, Star Trek: “We’re not afraid of diversity. We don’t persecute it, we embrace it.”
“That is where I want to lead the University towards,” Fozo said.
During their senior year of high school, Fozo served in their student government as student body treasurer. While holding this position they took the responsibility to ask for feedback about how their organization was running.
“I would ask my peers and friends for anything they would like to see, and advocate for that change to happen,” Fozo said.
They are actively involved in First-Year Leadership Opportunity where they act as a peer and help mentor other students.
In addition they have served in the Student Learning Fee committee for the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences in past proposals and meetings.
As a pastime they are involved in the ceramics club, where they make fun pieces for themselves and family.
A life lesson Chico State has taught them is to be nice and a good human to everyone.
“I try to smile and wave to people when I pass by them. I try to say hello, ask how their day is and check in on people,” Fozo said.
Fozo will be running against Arely Saldana, Francie Polinski, Maddie Parella and Marc Sassarini.
Voting will begin on April 4 at 8 a.m., and will end at 8 a.m. on April 5.
For more information on the AS general elections, go here.
Mawil Mateo can be reached at orionmanagingeditor@gmail.com.