The third floor of Meriam Library is expected to reopen on Feb. 19 after an update was posted on Friday. The renovations were initially expected to conclude on Feb. 12, lasting eight months, from June 2023 to February 2024.
The renovations were delayed due to an unexpected need to paint the entire floor rather than the expected basic touch-ups, Meriam Library interim dean, Jodi Shepherd, said.
The renovation included new ceiling tiles, lighting and an HVAC system.
“Students can access the 3rd floor and get their own books on February 19th. Books are able to be requested now through OneSearch,” Shepherd said.
Despite the updated announcement it seems many students are still unsure when the third floor will open.
Chico State juniors, Estrella Rios and Rachel Cunan, predicted that the third floor would be open fall 2024.
Rather than using the library to rent out books, Rios and Cunan buy a majority of the books they need for classes from book retailers including Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Chico State freshmen — Tea Bradley, Lauren Cortese and Jocelyn Cruz — have never been to the third floor and were not aware that it is going to open later this month.
Additionally, Bradley, Cortese and Cruz did not know that as Chico State students they had access to online databases through Meriam Library.
The three freshmen said when the third floor was closed during exams last semester, finding a place to study was difficult since the other floors were overflowing with students.
“It was so crowded during exams, I couldn’t find a place to sit,” Bradley said.
The third floor’s expected open date will provide more resources to students and needed space for midterms and finals.
Students are encouraged to access electronic resources through the Butte County Library by using the “OneCard” policy.
With the library number on the back of WildCat ID cards, students can borrow electronic books from Butte County Library and all of their subsequent online resources.
Additionally, students can file for a Butte County Library card.
Branch librarian for Butte County Library, Cynthia Pustejovsky, stated that while online resources are open to all students through OneCard, students need a Butte County Library card in order to borrow physical books.
“This is a full-service card that also gives access to e-resources,” Pustejovsky said.
To be issued a Butte County Library card students must fill out an application and show a picture ID.
The Orion will continue to update this story as information becomes available. Amy Blair and Jessica Miller can be reached at