With midterms right around the corner, it is always a good idea to take some time for self-care and love. Whether it’s a small treat you buy yourself or taking a break to spend time with friends, it can be a good de-stressor and a reminder to find balance in your life.
1. Buy yourself flowers and a sweet treat
While I know it may be cliche, buying yourself flowers can bring cheer to your room or shared space, and paired with your favorite snack as a reward to remind yourself of all the hard work you are putting in. As we all know, Miley Cyrus sang it best, “I can buy myself flowers…Yeah, I can love me better than you can.”
2. Facemasks and watching your favorite show
Personally, this is my go-to activity when I want a break from homework or a mental break in general. It is very calming and relaxing. One of my favorite brands is from Target, it is called “YESto.”
3. Treat yourself to lunch or dinner
Some might say it is embarrassing or scary to dress up nice and go out alone to a restaurant, but to hell with what everyone else around you may think. Going out and looking nice is a great way to feel good about yourself and to do something by yourself that makes you happy. Bringing a book or a journal along is always a nice touch as well.
4. Take a bubble bath
This is one of the most relaxing ways you can spoil yourself in my opinion because you can mix things up by lighting your favorite candle and grabbing a good book, or turning on your favorite music and winding down.
5. Go out for a drink with friends — if of age of course
Another classic way to treat yourself and find a nice work-life balance is to take an hour or two to go out to happy hour with friends. However, you do not have to drink and can just go out with friends.
6. Take yourself on a picnic
Going on a picnic is the ultimate act of self-love, as you are entertained by yourself and don’t have to worry about the needs of anyone else. Time and time again, I spoil myself by hopping over to Chipotle, bringing my favorite book and laying out a blanket at Sycamore Pool down in Lower Bidwell.
7. Hiking
While this may seem daunting to some, solo hiking — or with a buddy — is quite relaxing once you tune into the sounds of nature. Always make sure someone is aware of your location at all times! This is also the perfect way to disconnect from your phone and truly feel at peace.
8. Thrifting
Thrifting is ideal to do by oneself mostly because of the patience and time it takes. One can be sifting through clothes and racks for hours before finding one prize piece. While thrifting, you truly start to develop a sense of style and feel good about yourself. Thrift stores in Chico that I love include Salvation Army, Goodwill, and Show Love Thrift.
9. Journaling and buying cute supplies
Learning about your emotions is a top-tier way to treat yourself, because let’s be honest, how you treat others is a reflection of how you treat yourself. Buy a cute notebook, decorate it as your heart desires and truly allow yourself to be free. P.S. There are tons of journaling prompts on Pinterest.
10. Working out
Working out truly is a way to balance your mind and body all in one activity. And what’s perfect about a workout is that it can be catered toward anyone’s preference. There are so many activities, with Chico State’s Wildcat Recreation Center gym offering free classes to students such as pilates, spin, yoga, rhythmic dance and so much more.
Jenna McMahon and Brooke Carcamo can be reached at orionmanagingeditor@gmail.com.
Tags: Opinion, self-care