The Associated Students Government Affairs Committee voted unanimously Monday to approve a new senate council made up of student representatives from each college at Chico State. The representatives will be voted on by the student body.
Their decision turned over to the A.S. Board of Directors, who also unanimously approved the change.
“The intention of the Student Academic Senate is to discuss issues that have to do with academic affairs and different stances they’ve taken on issues or proposals so they can be able to reflect and have a record of,” said Taylor Herren, the A.S. president.
Nicole McCallister, the A.S. director of university affairs, will chair the senate.
Senate members will serve as active liaisons and increase communication, interaction
and cooperation between administrative and faculty organizations and
institutions and the A.S., McCallister said.
Voting for each representative will not be limited to students from their college, she said. Representatives will be elected from the broader student body because there are students who take classes outside of their college and will still want someone specific to represent them.
Voting for each college representative will take place in April at the same time the A.S. general elections are held.
Herren and McCallister will be attending associate dean meetings to recruit students who are qualified to run for representative positions, Herren said.
Christine Lee can be reached at: klee@theorion.com or @leechris017 on Twitter.