Erin Holve, Reporter
Erin Holve is a 30 something college student, feminist, bonafide cat lady for life and latte slinger at Starbucks. She’s been trying to figure out this whole, what do you do with your life thing for quite some time. So far no conclusive answers have been found. You’ll usually find Erin sipping on an iced latte, watching YouTube videos or reading a good book while cuddling with her cat. These rituals help to quell the moments where she wants to scream into the void.
Erin began her pursuit of a Journalism career in the Fall of 2018 and plans to graduate in the Spring of 2021. This will be her second semester writing for The Orion and she hopes to expand her writing portfolio. She has grand hopes of writing feature stories for Bust or Bitch Media magazine. Only time will tell if she succeeds in this endeavor.