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Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Photograph taken in Oroville, CA by Jessica Shippelhoute.

The Shutter-bye Effect

Jessica Shippelhoute, Opinion Columnist // February 17, 2021

The sun beat against the back of a flowered dress as it stuck to the little girl’s skin before disappearing behind a tall building. The squeaky black shoes gently tucked themselves under the church...

Photo credit: Madison Holmes

Don’t self-diagnose mental disorders

William Rein // March 27, 2016
Diagnoses across the specturm are becoming more popular. What's the cost of applying problems for our mental health for ourselves?
Illustration by Katherine Kurz Photo credit: Katherine Kurz

ADHD is no laughing matter

Brittany Mcclintock // September 12, 2015
ADHD isn't just the boy who had too much sugar; it's a serious mental disorder.

People with disabilities deserve respect

Megan Mann // September 2, 2014
Disabilities don't make us any different, so why treat us that way?
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