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Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Student Health Center on Chico State's campus.

Who did I kiss?

Mario Ortiz Jr., Staff Writer
October 24, 2021

“I think I'm dying!”  Sweating through the sheets on my mattress, I lay in bed. My body aching, my throat hurting and my head raging, I began to run through all illnesses in my head that could...

Photo credit: Briana Mcdaniel

How to stay healthy this flu season

Karen Limones
February 3, 2018

As the winter creeps around, so does this year’s infectious flu, H3N2, which has caused more deaths on average than most other strains.H3N2 has reached most of the U.S., sending citizens to hospitals...

Photo credit: Kristina Judy

Prop 56 saves our lungs

Sophia Robledo-Borowy
January 22, 2017

Growing up inhaling cigarette smoke on a daily basis definitely wasn’t a highlight of my childhood.With the recent passing of Proposition 56, there is hope for future generations to no longer be...

Photo credit: Student Health Center

Sexually transmitted diseases on the rise in Chico

Michael Catelli
April 27, 2016
Chico State students admit to regularly not practicing safe sex.
Caroline Galbraith, a sophomore psychology major, is a peer educator and social media intern at the Campus Alcohol and Drug Education Center. Photo credit: Dominique Diaz

Students stand against prescription drug abuse

Dominique Diaz
April 27, 2014
The Campus Alcohol and Drug Education Center hosted its first Prescription Drug Awareness Week.