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Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Photo credit: Caio Calado

Cammies: Country/Folk Showcase

Erin Vierra
April 14, 2015
Folk and country music took the stage at LaSalles on Thursday for the start of the 2015 Chico Area Music Awards.
Lisa Valentine singing her lungs out with Saxophonist playing at Cafe Flo Friday night. Other musicians included trumpet, base, piano and drums. Photo credit: Shayla Ramos

Local bands rock the house at Cafe Flo

Sarah Scharf
March 17, 2014
Three local artists treat the audience to a variety of great sounds Friday night.
Performer of Mint Shekels and the Treif-Stars, keeping chico weird with their performance at the El Rey.Photo credit: Chelsea Jeffers

Keep Chico Weird talent show lives up to its name

Ashiah Scharaga
February 4, 2014
The inaugural Keep Chico Weird Talent Show had audiences clapping, whooping and laughing Saturday night at the El Rey Theatre.