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Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Take a less-traveled path this spring. Photo by Heather Taylor on May 30, 2022.

New trails of thought: How to hike in a mindful manner

Heather Taylor, Copy Editor
February 7, 2024

Lately, I’ve been losing faith in my fellow humans who hit the trails, even though I know there are many benefits to getting outdoors and enjoying nature. I’ve watched the places I love and frequented...

California poppy against rocks and green grass

“Be ever thankful that so rare a flower is common:” Spotting native plants in Northern California

Heather Taylor, Reporter
April 5, 2023

I have often taken note of nature around me with a surface-level understanding. When patches of vibrant orange poppies begin to sprout along the roadways, I know spring has arrived and days full of sunshine...

Flyer showcasing the 'Wildcat Day on the Farm' event. Photo credit: Alejandra Fraga

College of Agriculture hosts first university farm open house

Alejandra Fraga
April 13, 2018

Chico State's College of Agriculture organized its first ever "Wildcat Day on the Farm" event this Friday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., consisting of 75 to 100 volunteers. The open house featured guided tractor...

Students will be collecting items and driving to deliver them to people dislocated from their homes. Photo credit: Jacqueline Morales

Chico State students take initiative to help aid wildfire victims

Jacqueline Morales
October 12, 2017

Students at Chico State are collecting donations to help aid families affected by wildfires in Northern California. Families and friends of the campus community have been affected by the federally declared...

Many areas were affected due to multiple fires, leading to evacuations. Photo credit: Sean Martens

Wild fires force local evacuations in Butte County

Natalie Hanson
October 9, 2017

Cal Fire called for evacuations in response to a wide spread fire near Oroville Sunday night.The Cherokee Road and Zonalea Lane fire spread to Hwy 70. Evacuation orders were called for:-The west side of...