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Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

SMH LOGO Photo credit: Alex Coba

SMH: A conversation with Mitchell Kret

Alex Coba and Mitchell Kret
December 20, 2019

For our final SMH of the semester, co-host Mitchell Kret reminisced on his time at Chico State. Both positive and negative. A big congratulation to Mitchell Kret on graduating from Chico State class of...

SMH LOGO Photo credit: Alex Coba

SMH: Getting credit matters

Alex Coba and Mitchell Kret
November 29, 2019

SMH is The Orion’s new opinion podcast hosted by Alex Coba and Mitchell Kret.This episode discussed the importance of giving credit when credit is due.The podcast was recorded at KZFR 90.1 FM.Alex...

SMH LOGO. Photo credit: Alex Coba

SMH: The fiasco that is Fallout 76

Alex Coba and Mitchell Kret
November 25, 2019

SMH is The Orion’s new opinion podcast hosted by Alex Coba and Mitchell Kret.This episode discussed the shady practices of video game companies. Specifically Bethesda Softworks and the Fallout 76...

Podcast: Tinder U and taking fashion risks

Rachael Bayuk and Brooke Martin
September 9, 2018

This week reporters Rachael Bayuk and Brooke Martin hit topics on Tinder University and taking fashion risks in life. Brooke Martin and Rachael Bayuk can be reached at

The seventh episode of Off The Record. Photo credit: The Orion

Off The Record | Episode 7 | Sex and drugs, Chico and marijuana, and drinking in class.

Roberto Fonseca
September 28, 2017

This revived series takes a look at what’s new in The Orion’s opinion section. Columnists discuss current events, local news and columns that can be found at The Orion website. This week, writers...