Fall Out Boy has been an established part of the pop-punk movement for about a decade. They started as a local punk band in Chicago and have now become a household name.
Since releasing their two most popular albums, “From Under the Cork Tree” (2005) and “Infinity on High” (2007), Fall Out Boy took a four-year hiatus before getting back together and releasing “Save Rock and Roll” (2013). Their newest album, named after two classic movies, “American Beauty/American Psycho” was released on Jan. 20.
The new album is clearly influenced by the popularity of electronic dance music, with strong continuous beats throughout most songs.
Their title song “American Beauty/American Psycho” relies so much on a strong beat that it ends up sounding repetitive. It is clear that the band is trying to appeal to a broader audience with this new album. Fall Out Boy makes good use of the formulated, brain-washing pop strategy of repeating the chorus over and over again, like in the song “Uma Thurman.”.
The song “Centuries” was the first single. It is already quite popular and might be the most unrecognizable song. Even the lead singer Patrick Stumps’ voice seems more mainstream pop.
If you’re looking for some easy listening on the album or something further from the band’s punk roots, try the song “Favorite Record.” It is by far the most gentle song on the album and proves how much the band has grown.
Though the new album is fun and catchy, it might disappoint some original fans and appear to be written for radio play instead of for the sake of the music. However, the distinct voice of vocalist Patrick Stump, is still the same as it ever was, half screaming, half pleading and somehow still melodic. His vocals are on display throughout the whole album as lyrics are the focus of most of the songs.
The band has changed in subtle ways since its four-year hiatus. If you are a Fall Out Boy fan, you might find this album too pop-and-electronic focused compared to previous works. However, if you are just listening for some music to pump you up for the day, consider picking this one up.
Greta Gordon can be reached at artseditor@theorion.com or @hakunagretata on Twitter.