The California Faculty Association officers issued a statement encouraging a petition to save Sonoma State following major budget cuts. They explained their grievances with the decimation of a CSU hispanic-serving institute.
In the statement, they explained the cuts will hurt many areas and departments in the school including recruitment, retention, learning and success.
Sonoma State will be laying off over 25% of its faculty and discontinuing all 11 of their intercollegiate athletics which will let go of 27 coaches and 227 student athletes at the end of the academic year.
The CFA says they feel this is not the only motion to “running the [California State University] system.” They mentioned Chancellor Mildred Garcia of the CSU board of trustees leading the initiative to cut Sonoma State, and other campuses will possibly follow.
They hope that faculty on every campus will work to get the attention of the chancellor and the Board of Trustees. They would also like for them to reach out to legislators, alumni, community leaders and members to help Sonoma State.
Cecilia Gonzalez can be reached at [email protected]