Q: What is your biggest dream?
A: “My biggest dream is to flip houses. It’s when you buy a rundown house and you fix it up so that it’s nice and then you sell it for a profit. It’s very risky, but it would also be very cool.” – Alex Horne, sophomore business marketing major

Do you have a favorite memory?
“I used to live in Oregon and all of my family and I would get in the back of pickup trucks and go over these railroad tracks that lead to these fields of blackberry bushes. We would pile these ladders on the side of these blackberry bushes and bring enormous buckets and just fill them to the brim with blackberries. I never filled any of the buckets to the top though because I would always eat them.” – Hollie Mudd, first-year undeclared major

Has anyone or anything had a real impact on your life?
“The Newman Center really helped me out when I first came to college because I wasn’t a very devout Catholic at all. I had grown up a Catholic and I went to Catholic Mass and I thought it was kind of cool, but for me personally having it be my own choice to go to church and be surrounded by people who are my age and that absolutely love their faith was amazing and the Newman Center really made a difference.” – Teddy Crete, sophomore mechanical engineering major

Is there someone or something that has had a real impact on your life?
“When I was younger I used to go dog sledding with my grandpa with a team of 30 dogs. One time I was walking around on my own without any adult supervision and I actually tripped on one of the dogs and fell on it. The dog got scared so it latched itself onto my lip and bit it, so I have all kinds of stitches on my lip and it’s scarred now. I still love dogs and I don’t blame the dog. In a weird way it has gotten me to not care as much because things just happen. I would never have predicted that.” – Derek Nystrom, sophomore business major

Tell me something interesting about yourself.
“In high school I made all varsity sports my freshman year for field hockey. I love field hockey because it is a newer sport and I’ve spent basically my whole life playing it. I loved meeting new people and learning the different moves.” – Karlie Wreaks, sophomore biology major
Stephanie Schmieding can be reached at featureseditor@theorion.com or @stephbottt on Twitter.