Joyful cheers came from the Silver Dollar Fairgrounds as the immediate evacuation order was changed to an evacuation warning.
An estimated 1,650 people were at the fairgrounds, according to the American Red Cross. Linda Stapleton was among those evacuees. She felt blessed she could leave.
“I’ve never seen people treat us so good,” said Stapleton. “It’s valentines day and I want to go home.”
Even though people like Stapleton are happily leaving the fairgrounds, others such as Timothy Bahadar, are staying out of fear of flooding with the upcoming rains in the forecast.
“I feel like this is the scariest decision they could make,” said Bahadar. “There was all this trouble in the beginning and you go and add rain to the picture. Rain in the picture will create more danger for humanity. It will create more death and more problems.”
The Red Cross said it will remain at the fairgrounds until the wet weather has subsided. They have began consolidating all shelters at the fairgrounds into one building.
“We were thrilled when we heard people could go home,” said Trevor Riggen, a member of the American Red Cross.”We are prepared and aware for any warning alerts that may come forward. So that if the rains do cause more flooding people come back to the shelter.”
George Johnston can be reached at or @gjohnston786 on Twitter.