Free food was offered at Chico State by the Chico State Pantry for students in need.
A total amount of $600 was donated Friday, by Chico Democrats, to continue dispersal of free food available to the students.
“A Bloodhound that hasn’t eaten can’t find a lost child and a student without an adequate food budget will be a ‘lost child,’ in the classroom. Last year when I became aware of the needs of Chico State students and the campus Pantry, Chico Democrats decided to take on the challenge. Many Democrats used their WinCo free coupons for a number of items from Cup Noodles to cereal and donated them to today’s turn in,” said Bob Mulholland of Chico Democrats.
Donations can be made at Siskiyou Hall from 11a.m. to 4p.m. and at Kendall Hall from 8 a.m. to p.m. from Monday through Thursday, according to a public release.
Further information can be reached with Bob Mulholland from Chico Democrats at (916) 996-8666 or
Gennisis Mendoza can be reached at or@gen10123 on Twitter.
Bob Mulholland // Sep 18, 2017 at 6:02 pm
Chico Democrats realized last year that there were several thousand students in need of food. We reached out in Choco and Democrats responded.