“I have no idea what to get you.”
Does this sound familiar? I thought so.
I hear that women don’t know how to shop for men, and men don’t know how to shop for women too often. Men and women also don’t know how to shop for significant others of the same sex.
Here is a quick guide to get you through shopping for your partner this holiday season, while keeping it sexy and original:
Holiday-themed condoms
Use these as stocking stuffers instead of the boring socks or underwear. I think your partner will get the hint. Available on Amazon for $26.99.
Sexy pin-up calendar
Your partner loves you otherwise he or she wouldn’t be with you, so give him or her a pin-up calendar featuring you. You can get creative with this and do whatever you want. If you’re daring, have the photos be a classy naked portrayal of you. (Cost varies depending the photographer and printing process).
Survival kit
You can literally do anything with this and it is inexpensive. One year, for a computer nerd partner, I made him a computer-themed survival kit. I bought a box ($2.99 from Michaels) and added things like:
- A toy soldier with a bazooka for security
- A toy soldier with binoculars to fend off spyware
- An inflatable balloon representing an airbag for a crash
- Matches to heat up a “frozen” computer
- Hand sanitizer to keep viruses away
- Energizer batteries to keep the battery going
You can do anything with a survival kit and it will leave him appreciative that you recognize his interests, but with a little spin. (It cost me less than $30 but depending on what you do, it can cost more or less.)
Coupon books
You can make these without breaking the bank. It can feature things like IOUs, have sexy suggestions or say “Let’s try a new position.” The coupon has to be redeemable at any time and once a coupon has been used, you can clip it or throw it away. Get creative with it and it will make your partner happy. (It depends if you buy it from a store or make it yourself but it usually costs around $20-$30 either way).
Lingerie and toys
This one has been done many times but it never gets old. Another twist on lingerie is making a stocking full of naughty toys. Things like that will get your partner hot under the collar. You could even have the card say,“You’ve been naughty this year, let’s play nice.” It sure beats the lump of coal. (Depending on where you shop, it could get pretty pricey).
No matter what the holiday season brings, celebrate with original ideas and never fret about what to get your partner for the holiday season.
Chantal Richards can be reached at sexcolumnist@theorion.com or @ChantieRichards on Twitter.