Put those rulers and growth pills away because we don’t care what your penis size is.
Our society is obsessed with appearance, looks and being perceived as ‘sexy’. At least five million people in the U.S. suffer from body dysphoria. When people think of body self-esteem issues they usually picture a woman. While women can have an insecurity with their looks, so can men. Watch any sitcom and I’m sure that there will be an episode or scene on the importance of a man’s penis size. This may be why men fear that their ‘package’ isn’t good enough, but, just like clothing, penises aren’t a one-size-fits-all.
Men listed penis size as one of their main body fears, according to a 2016 article by the Daily Star. Interestingly enough, men seem to care what their size is more than women. Women actually find the ideal penis to be smaller compared to men’s ideal size.
Yes, some people will care about the size of your penis. This is more common in hookups. However, there is still little difference in the size preference between hookups and relationships.
The vast majority of people won’t care how big or small you are because everyone has something they wish they could change about their body. Penis size is no exception.
The good news is that women don’t seem to be picky. Eighty-five percent of women are happy with their partner’s size, according to Spafe.
Everyone has preferences when it comes to partners and not all of them are based on looks. Nearly 70 percent of women think personality is more important than looks, according to a 2017 article by YouGov.
If you’re still insecure about your size, remember the average vagina is only three to five inches when aroused. So, there’s not much room to begin with anyway.
When it comes down to it, it’s not what you have, but what you can do with it. A man’s size isn’t the be-all and end-all of sex. A man could be hung like a horse, but that doesn’t mean they know what to do with it.
If a man really wants to impress in the bedroom, he should talk to his partner. He may be surprised to find that they would prefer him to focus on foreplay and oral sex, instead of putting all the emphasis on penetrative sex.
Seventy-three percent of women think foreplay is more important than penetrative sex, according to a 2017 article by the Daily Star. This may be because only 18 percent of women can orgasm from penetration alone.
Regardless, people are born with the bodies they have. And honestly, if a partner or potential partner cares that much then you shouldn’t be with them in the first place. You deserve to be loved for who you are and not for what’s in your pants.
Don’t forget that sometimes the best presents come in small packages
Brooke Martin can be reached at [email protected] or @bmartin471 on Twitter.
peter // Oct 9, 2018 at 11:15 am
There is so much misinformation and so many bogus products surrounding penis enlargement that when they discover the solution, no one will believe. So here goes; any male can permanently increase length and girth in the same way a bodybuilder adds mass and becomes larger. As you stress tissue, the body goes into a natural process of creating new cells making you larger. The question is not whether permanent enlargement is possible but instead, how do you safely stress penile tissue to promote cell growth? The answers can be found at MagnumRings.com