University Police
Call Type: Assist other agency
Friday 12:54 a.m., Lassen Hall Dormitory
A subject was transported to a medical facility due to intoxication.
Call Type: Suspicious subject
Friday 1:42 p.m., Kendall Hall
A male subject was aggressively asking for candy. The subject had left Kendall Hall and was not found.
Call Type: Theft
Friday 4:31 p.m., University Stadium
Five to six backpacks were taken from the stadium within the hour.
Call Type: Assist other agency
Sunday 12:45 a.m., Acker Gym
Officers initiated activity after a shooting that left one male adult victim with non-life threatening injuries. The subject was transported to a regional hospital for treatment. Suspects fled the scene in a dark-colored sedan before officers arrived on the crime scene.
Call Type: Field contact
Sunday 3:04 a.m., Bell Memorial Union
Officer initiated contact with a subject laying on the floor. An arrest was made for public intoxication. Subject was released to medical personnel.
Chico Police Department
Call Type: Party complaint
Sunday, 12:41 a.m., 1100 Hobart Street
Subjects were playing loud music, occupying the street and lighting fireworks.
Call Type: Suspicious subject
Sunday, 9:17 p.m., Forest Avenue
Subject with shopping car asked the reporting party if she had any heroin for him. After stating that she did not have any heroin, the subject walked toward Winco and told the reporting party he was going to steal a bottle of vodka.
Call Type: Suspicious circumstance
Friday 11:55 p.m., West 2nd Avenue
A large group of people were reported jumping on top of a car.
Call Type: Robbery
Saturday 2:11 a.m., 500 Pomona Avenue
Victim was assaulted and struck in the head by a group of males.
Call Type: Shots fired
Saturday 6:55 p.m., West Sacramento Avenue
Multiple parties reported hearing at least two shots fired. One reporting party stated that it sounded like a shotgun and that they had saw the flash from the gun.
Brian Luong can be reached at or @brianluongorion on Twitter.