Memorial and support services are being held for the students involved in a fatal car crash that occurred on Jan. 27.
Services for Bryant Mata-Adams will be held on Feb. 8, at 4190 Front St. in San Diego, according to a campus wide email.
Mata-Adams, 19, a passenger in the car, died Jan. 28 at Enloe Medical Center, after spending about a day in critical condition.
The family said it welcomes all visitors to attend, according to the email.
Services for Austin Silver, 20, were held on Sunday in Simi Valley, wrote Joe Wills, a Chico State spokesman, in an email to The Orion.
Silver, another passenger, died at the scene of the crash, according to the California Highway Patrol.
As of 11 a.m. Monday, the driver, Diego Arriaga-Rodriguez, 18, is in serious condition at Enloe Medical Center, said Christina Chavira, a spokeswoman for the hospital.
Arriaga-Rodriguez’ family created a facebook page for support called “Prayer Chain for Diego.”
An online fundraiser is being held for Lisa Mata, Mata-Adams’ mother, to help pay for funeral and medical expenses.
As of Monday, the fundraiser has raised $13,573, according to its website.
To visit Mata-Adams’ fundraiser, go to:
To visit “Prayer Chain for Diego,” go to:
Mozes Zarate can be reached at newseditor@theorion.com or @mzarate139 on Twitter.