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Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Aldo Perez

Aldo Perez, Reporter

Aldo joins The Orion for the first time this semester and is set to write for the Opinion section. A senior at Chico State, he is currently working towards his bachelor’s degrees in philosophy and mathematics. In his free time, Aldo enjoys photography, running, and waking up at ungodly hours to make coffee. He has recently developed an interest in freelance writing and hopes that The Orion will provide him with the experience necessary to succeed in this field.

All content by Aldo Perez
Scott Thompson, vice mayor of Oroville, speaks on Fox News after the city declares itself a constitutional republic following California's statewide vaccination requirement for schoolchildren.

On liberty and bloodshed: a letter to Oroville’s mayor and city council

Aldo Perez, Staff Writer
December 5, 2021

“Every time you lose freedom, or a nation gives up freedom, it usually takes bloodshed to get it back.”  Scott Thompson, vice mayor of Oroville, uttered this harrowing remark on Tucker Carlson’s...

Businesses are desperate for employees. Broadway Heights in Chico is going as far as offering a vaccination  bonus for new hires.

Independence and a better quality of life is fueling the labor shortage

Aldo Perez, Staff Writer
November 12, 2021

Businesses throughout Chico are struggling to keep employment. Some are shortening their business hours, others are even offering hiring bonuses. The labor shortage, however, is not unique to the city...

This building is home to the College of Humanities & Fine Arts at Chico State.

Cultivated by the humanities, empathy proves to be valuable, even in the workplace

Aldo Perez, Staff Writer
October 22, 2021

“You don’t want to study that,” my teacher said with a chuckle.  I was a senior in high school and had shared with one of my teachers that I wanted to study philosophy in college. His...

This Catholic church located in Chico offers a place for Catholics to publicly worship.

Confronting Catholic guilt

Aldo Perez, Staff Writer
October 10, 2021

Growing up a traditional Mexican Catholic meant going to church every Sunday. I learned to hold my tongue and not protest for two reasons: First, I wasn’t going to win. You don’t argue with Mexican...

At Chico State, 131 classrooms are equipped with technology that enables the instructor to teach both in-person and virtually. This auto-tracking camera is priced at $2,500. Photo by Aldo Perez.

Hybrid learning may be the future of higher education

Aldo Perez, Staff Writer
September 29, 2021

The pandemic has brought many changes to the world and for so long, it’s been difficult to convince ourselves that things will go back to normal. From non-essential businesses closing, to take-out only...

Photo taken by Aldo Perez. My film camera of choice is the Nikon FM2N.

Film photography offers a liberating alternative to the digital world

Aldo Perez, Staff Writer
September 21, 2021

The advent of the digital age revolutionized the photography industry. Digital photography meant that one could capture a moment in time and instantly share it. I took up photography because I wanted...

The growing identity crisis amongst young people

The growing identity crisis amongst young people

Aldo Perez, Staff Writer
September 8, 2021

On March 19, 2020, California issued a statewide stay-at-home order. “We need to recognize reality,” Gov. Newsom explained. This “reality” proved to be much grimmer as we continue to struggle to...