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Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

One of many smoke and tobacco free signs on campus. Photo by Noah Herbst, taken Nov. 29.

Chico State’s venture into vanquishing vaping

Noah Herbst, Reporter // December 5, 2021

Whether it’s occasional clouds of thick, white smoke, or the occasional fruity or minty scent you smell walking to and from class, one doesn’t have to look too hard around campus to find evidence...

Photo credit: Julian Mendoza

With all these vaping-related deaths, some still believe in its safety

Jack Lewis // October 21, 2019

For years, big tobacco has used shady tactics to get Americans hooked on nicotine. In fact, smoking cigarettes is the number one cause of preventable death in the nation, responsible for over 480,000 deaths...

The smoke shop Darkside sells multiple different vaping products. Photo credit: Julian Mendoza

Community responds to incoming Oroville vape bans

Jessie Imhoff // October 7, 2019

Chico State's campus is usually lined with students tabling for different reasons, such as recruitment for clubs or Greek life. Others go to campus and table to share their ideas about the world with students.That's...

Photo credit: Dongyoung Won

Smoking should be banned on campus

Carson Predovich and Dongyoung Won // September 18, 2016

When walking through the gorgeous Chico State campus, there are a few things to expect. You should be prepared to see a seemingly endless variety of trees, hear the birds chirping and the creek babbling....

Timothy Toavs, owner of Chico Vapor Lounge Shop, started using electronic cigarettes as a way to quit smoking. Photo credit: Nick Bragg

Vaping: Effective quitting technique or harmful trend?

Nick Bragg // February 15, 2015
Electronic cigarettes, originally used to help people stop smoking, may be becoming more of a trend than a coping mechanism.
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