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Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Congrats to The Orion graduates!

Help us celebrate those on The Orion who are graduating and walking this semester
Photo credit: Diego Ramirez

Graduation quickly approaches, and thus it is time to say goodbye to some of The Orion’s editors and staffers. Get to know those who are walking and graduating this semester and help us celebrate them:

Molly Myers, managing and features editor – graduating

Molly Myers has been on The Orion for four semesters, serving as the news editor, editor-in-chief and managing/features editor throughout that time. In her final semester she has proven herself as a formidable reporter dedicated to reporting the truth, as well as having fun. The semester she has traipsed around town finding cool graffiti and hitchhiking and revealing the truth surrounding fraternities and pro-Palestine protests.

After graduation she will continue working part time at the Enterprise-Record and complete an internship at the Jerusalem Post.

Support Myers as she walks across the graduation stage on Thursday at 7 p.m. with a journalism news major.

To learn about Myers and read her work, go here.

Itzel Saucedo Dominguez, social media manager – graduating

Itzel Saucedo Dominguez ends her years at Chico State with a last hurrah as one of The Orion’s social media managers. Dominguez has helped The Orion revamp their social media pages and remind viewers of important events such as holidays and the Associated Students elections. She has also helped support local events like the Lunar Market and Black History Month events.

After graduation she plans to move back to Sonoma County and hopefully do marketing and/or public relations work for wineries, or just do social media work in general.

Support Dominguez as she walks across the graduations stage on Thursday at 7 p.m. with a journalism public relations major and Spanish minor.

To learn more about Dominguez and read her work, go here.

Sam Moore, arts and entertainment reporter – graduating

Reporter, Same Moore's profile picture
Reporter, Same Moore’s profile picture.

Sam Moore, over his two semesters on The Orion, has taken the mantle of The Orion’s ace-of-spaces; haven written sports, news, features and arts and entertainment pieces alike. He has become the bane of artificial intelligence and a purveyor of news event material.

After graduation he plans to stay in Chico and pursue journalism.

Support Moore as he walks across the graduation stage on Thursday at 7 p.m. with a journalism news major and Japanese minor.

To learn more about Moore and read his work, go here.

Maki Chapman, news reporter – graduating

Maki Chapman, who’s been on The Orion for two semesters, has shown he has no problem jumping into controversial topics and events, ranging from politics to protests to affirmative consent.

After graduation he plans to go to Washington, DC to serve as a substitute teacher at a private school.

Support Chapman as he walks across the graduation stage on Thursday at 7 p.m. with a journalism news major and German minor.

To learn more about Chapman and read his work, go here.

Toby Neal, arts and entertainment reporter – graduating

Toby Neal, ending his college experience with The Orion, has brought color to Orion articles and photos. You may have seen him at events such as the Chico Stage Race, Woofstock Music Festival and Holi Festival taking beautiful photos.

After graduation, he ideally will specialize in providing communication for aid agencies, NGO’s and nonprofit organizations.

Support Neal as he walks across the graduation stage on Thursday at 7 p.m. with a journalism public relations major.

To learn more about Neal and read his work, go here.

Alina Babajko, food reporter – walking

Alina Babajko is finishing up her first semester on The Orion. As a food reporter she has followed stories ranging from the Thursday Night Markets to new and revamped restaurants such as Bun Burger and Raw Bar. She has also shown her passion for music, the Peace Corps and conservation.

Babajko is walking this semester and will graduate in the fall, after which she plans to join the Peace Corps.

Support Babajko as she walks across the graduation stage on Friday at 7 p.m. She is an agricultural communication and leadership major.

To learn more about Babajko and read her work, go here.

Shane Aweeka, opinion reporter – graduating

Shane Aweeka jumped into his first and only semester on The Orion with obvious vigor and dedication. He has worked on important stories such as the California Faculty Association strike, campus food truck standards and updates on Chico State faculty members. He also showed a passion for political and policy-related stories.

After graduation he will pursue a Master’s degree in global political economy. Then plans to enter the field of either political strategy, diplomacy or economic development/policy.

Support Aweeka as he walks cross the graduation stage on Saturday at 7 p.m. with a public administration major and international relations minor.

To learn more about Aweeka and read his work, go here.

The Orion can be reached at [email protected].

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