Chico State students will present their original theatre production “The Tarzan Project” at Larry Wismer Theatre April 2-4 at 7:30 p.m. and April 5 at 2 p.m..
It’s exactly like Disney’s “Tarzan,” except it’s set in a post-apocalyptic world instead of the Atlantic African coast, and Tarzan and the apes aren’t in it.
They’ve been replaced by blind people, the Mangani, led by a more futuristic version of Tarzan, named John. John’s problem is that he is the only one of his diseased people who can see.
Jane’s name, curiosity and eyesight are intact, but her gorilla studies are replaced by a quest to cure the disease that her thriving, quarantined people are suffering from.
When the two inevitably meet, an unforgettable adventure is sure to unfold.
“The show is loosely based on the novel and is put into a post-apocalyptic world,” stage manager Krysten Goodrich said. “The Tarzan Project is an experiment — it’s fast, it’s exciting and it questions what is normal.”
Tickets for the performances are available at the University Box Office for $6 for students and children, $15 for adults and $13 for seniors.
Trevor Whitney can be reached at [email protected] or @nicegrandmas on Twitter.