“I’m a first generation immigrant and had to acclimate to America quicker than anybody else. Either sink or swim into the American dream. And sometimes it’s hard to maintain these to dichotomies of my identities. Personally, America felt like that big brother you would constantly fight with everyday, but in the end you love him because he’s family. I would constantly fight with America when it came to my racial identity, but I loved America because it’s all I ever knew about. I immigrated to America when I was eight from Korea and I quickly assimilated and cultured myself to its fervor heritage. I mean, I had no choice. One minute I was doing my thing in Korea and then I came to the land of Coca Cola and Jack Daniels. My dad and mom just booked it, so I just came here. This is why I chose sociology as my major because it focuses on the difference instead of denigrating it. And when I graduate in 2017 with my bachelors I want to help others that face similar obstacles as a social worker, to help the outcasts, the weirdoes and the rejected,” senior sociology major, Joon Hyung Park said.
Humans of Chico State
Franky Renteria
October 12, 2016
Senior sociology major, Joon Hyung Park, shares his views on the “American Dream.” Photo credit: Franky Renteria
About the Contributor

Franky Renteria, Photographer