Step into the melting pot with bossa nova dream pop band Trails and Ways.
Trail and Ways, accompanied by the California-based indie quartet Fialta, will perform at 8 p.m. on Feb. 28 in the Bell Memorial Union, presented by Union Label and KCSC.
Chico State students will relate to Trails and Way’s multi-cultural style with a playful and trilingual tongue, an appetite for adventure and a passion for creating danceable beats.
After graduating from UC Berkeley, lead singers Emma Oppen and Keith Brower Brown traveled separately to Brazil and Spain and returned with varying Latin influences.
Oppen, Brown and fellow bandmates Hannah Van Loon and Ian Quirk intertwine their dreamy voices with a warm Brazilian vibe, an upbeat Latin pop style and a synthesizer to produce a unique sound from a bedroom studio in Oakland, Calif.
Emma Wood-Wright can be reached at or @theorion_news on Twitter.