Don’t fall down, and don’t get kicked. These were the moshing tips being passed around the room to all of the punk and hard rock concert newbies. Three hardcore-type bands, Sedition, Exposure Therapy and Sadist, crowded into The Naked Lounge on Jan. 24.
Those with bleeding heart grenade-decorated apparel, studded belts, spiked hair and leather jackets filed into the coffee house prepared to make the walls shake. Attendees paid the $10 cover fee, and got “Weezered.” A flying “W” was drawn on their hands as a reference to Weezer.
The concert, set to start at 7 p.m., began right on time, with the lounge already nearly full, seats and standing room were sparse. The night abruptly started with Sedition’s set. Drew Cramer-Hicks’ voice reverberated the small space with vengeance. Cramer-Hicks, Sedition’s vocalist, announced that their first song, Floater’s “The Face of Order,” was about cops.
The song acted as a commentary opposing the police. This set the tone for the rest of the band’s set. Cramer-Hicks was able to channel hatred and anger into each song, covers and originals alike. Covers included Dead City’s “Meth Psychosis.” The sentiments expressed through their songs closely matched the band members’ personal philosophies.

Both Cramer-Hicks and guitarist Aydin Rolen told The Orion that they don’t like cops. This sort of punk, anti-authority mentality was present throughout the concert not only by the bands but the audience as well. Multiple times throughout the night shouts could be heard yelling “Fuck you!”
Sedition, composed of vocalist Cramer-Hicks, guitarists Rolen and Lucas Bravo, drummer Danny Farmer and bassist Lili Askew are all in high school. They started performing together about four months ago, and played their first show on Dec. 5, 2022. Though the group has not released any music the band said “we’re almost halfway to releasing a demo album,” and that this was their only planned show but that “more are going to pop up!”
Farmer’s basic drum beat greatly overpowered Rolen and Bravo’s chords. Cramer-Hicks’ vocals overshadowed everything else. The band’s hatred for authority was both what helped them gain attention from the audience, and what prevented them from developing a stronger stage presence and connection with the audience. This would’ve made their performance even more impactful. Their hatred was all they were with little to back up their lyrics.
As Sedition’s set progressed when they finished their third or fourth song, a voice was heard over the crowd saying “Back up!” A person toward the back of the crowd had passed out. The entire crowd began shouting at Cramer-Hicks to stop as a couple of people helped the person off of the dance floor to one of the couches in the lounge. Once the person was given water and some space to breathe they were fine.
The excitement produced by this event seemed to spread as everyone shouted for the band to continue playing, to which they obliged. Soon after a mosh pit began to form close to the stage. Friends pushed friends into the thick of it, and smiles could be seen on most faces. The previous incident was forgotten in no time.
The audience quickly dispersed after Sedition abruptly ended their set. The musicians in the next band, Exposure Therapy, began pushing against the wave to get to the stage in a single-file line.

Once it became apparent that Exposure Therapy was close to starting, the audience that disappeared outside began to repopulate the dance floor. Natalie Ivey, the band’s vocalist and guitarist, started the set with a very excited and funny attitude.
Their demeanor persisted throughout their set. Ivey threw out jokes here and there between songs and always made sure to connect with the audience.
“Have you guys heard of the Blue Grinch? He’s also called the Blinch. The Blinch is a more evil version of the grinch, and he’s blue. If you see him in the pit, kill him. Just kill him. This next song is about the Blinch,” Ivey shouted at the crowd during a transition.
It was very clear that there was chemistry between the band members, Ivey, bassist Violet Talbot and drummer Devon Anderson. They were able to instill excitement into the atmosphere that had not been there previously.
While the band did not jump around the stage like Cramer-Hicks’ did, they were able to drive the audience to become even rowdier. Even though Ivey said that they had just changed their strings, other than tuning breaks, the set was fun, and the transitions even more so. Exposure Therapy started performing together about a year ago.
“Natalie and Violet indoctrinated me into the skramz-screamo-hardcore army and we’ve been playing together ever since.”
Ivey said that they have their first album written and ready to record, and they plan on doing so after the concert. Ivey and Anderson are currently in high school, and Talbot works at Momona.
Exposure Therapy’s infectious attitude unfortunately ended as they played their last song, before exiting the stage Ivey shouted “Exposure Therapy loves you!”
During the transition to the final band, Sadist, more band merch was laid out for purchase in the back of the lounge. A large group surrounded the white folding-table buying shirts.

Sadist quickly took the stage and transformed the lounge. Most of the lights were completely turned off, except for the lights above the coffee station, and some dark blue lights the band set up at the foot of the stage.
The sounds of chains filled the lounge, creating a shattering glass effect as a lead-in to their first song. Ghost, the lead singer, in his white mask bellowed into the mic as strobe lights flashed into the audience.
Sadist’s music almost immediately evolved into something far more than just a set of songs. They created an experience for their audience. They were able to combine the anger and excitement from the two former bands, and add a very distinct music style. Onstage and prerecorded sound effects were often used during transitions.
The mosh pit soon encompassed over half of the dance floor. A person climbed up onto a table and attempted to dive into the crowd, before being told to get down by an employee. A large, golden-framed mirror, anchored to the wall by two thin metal wires shook wildly.
As people began tumbling to the ground the night began to draw to a close, but not without a bang. When Sadist finished their last song the entire audience began stomping their feet and jumping while chanting “Sadist!”
When the lights came back on most everyone vacated to the chilly outdoors in small groups to discuss the night’s events.
It was a little disheartening to have a punk-rock show end so early, slightly before 9 p.m., but Sadist made a lasting impression, as did Sedition and Exposure Therapy.
Ariana Powell can be reached at [email protected].