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Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Associated Student's meets on Thursday morning. Their first agenda item is about Custom and Border Patrol's presence at the Career Fair. Photo credit: Ricardo Tovar

Students, campus respond to Border Protection presence at Career Fair

Angelina Mendez and Ricardo Tovar // September 28, 2019

U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) officers were invited to Chico Sate’s career fair on Wednesday, to the shock of many students. After an initial flurry of confusion, panic and frustration faded,...

Courtesy A.S. Office.

Associated Students 2019 election results

Kendall George // April 18, 2019

After a 24-hour voting period, Associated Student elections ended Thursday morning with 4,513 out of 16,964 Chico State students, about 27%, participating in the election. Here are the results for the...

Photo credit: Melissa Joseph

A.S. Election: Meet the Candidates

Chico State’s A.S student government election for the 2019-2020 school year has begun in full stride. The main positions being run for are: President Executive Vice President Vice President...

A "mountain of debt" made by students who came to the capital to protest the increase.

Tuition increase for upcoming school year no longer being considered

Josh Cozine // April 20, 2018

Students are off the hook to the tune of $228 for the next academic year. In what many at Chico State are calling a welcome turn of events, it was announced Friday morning by the chancellor of the CSU...

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