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Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Students outraged at proposed Adventure Outings budget annihilation

Alejandro Zepeda, Wyatt Alpert, and Mawil Mateo // April 8, 2023

Adventure Outings, an Associated Students-run program at Chico State, is facing a budget cut to zero dollars, putting its future in jeopardy. The Associated Students Facilities Committee held a meeting...

Un grupo grande de estudiantes y de facultad llegaron a la protesta. Foto tomada por Maki Chapman, Oct.18.

La facultad protesta la reducción de la mitad de un millón del presupuesto

Maki Chapman and Samanta Sanchez // October 26, 2022

Manifestantes asistieron a un mitin afuera de Kendall Hall el 18 de Octubre, para discutir reducciones en los presupuestos de varios departamentos en el campus de Chico State, incluyendo los departamentos...

Un grupo grande de estudiantes y de facultad llegaron a la protesta. Foto tomada por Maki Chapman, Oct.18.

Faculty protest half a million dollar budget cut

Maki Chapman, Reporter // October 19, 2022

Protestors rallied outside of Kendall Hall on Oct. 18, to discuss the pay cuts to various, smaller departments across Chico State's campus, including the language departments, philosophy, comparative...

Debra Larson explains the budget shortcomings of the university bluntly, Monday at the final University Budget Committee meeting Photo credit: Josh Cozine

Final University Budget Committee meeting of semester expects cuts

Josh Cozine // May 15, 2018

Speaking bluntly to administrators and deans of the colleges present, Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs Debra Larson addressed making up around $2,500,000 in the budget Monday. The discussion...

Sign located outside of the office SSC 430 Photo credit: Carly Campbell

Counseling center faces possible budget cuts

Carly Campbell // March 5, 2017

The Counseling and Wellness Center on Chico State's campus could potentially see major or minor budget cuts this coming year.It is unknown by the center how much money will be redirected to another source,...

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