Chico State sent out an email Tuesday morning reminding students of the campus’ policy on deferred recruitment. This means first-semester students cannot rush fraternities or sororities until the spring.
More than 100 clubs took to Chico State’s lawns Wednesday for the semesterly Clubtacular event. Hosted by the Student Organizations and Leadership Education, students were given an opportunity to see...
Students enjoyed food, games and inflatables, Sunday afternoon, at Chico State's annual Bidwell Bash.
The event, hosted by Chico State Fraternity and Sorority Affairs, gave students the opportunity...
On Friday, the Diversity Affairs Council hosted the Multicultural Night in the BMU Auditorium. The event featured performances from various multi-ethnic organizations on campus. The theme for the night...
The term rush is slang for formal recruitment to every Greek society looking for new members to join their elite group. Greek life holds rush week the first two weeks every semester."Rush week is a week-long...