A fact-finding report into the bargaining agreement between the California Faculty Association and California State University management became public Monday.
It sided with the California Faculty Association over CSU management.
The arbitrator, who chaired the fact-finding panel, suggested that CSU management:
- Increase faculty compensation with a 5 percent General Salary Increase (GSI).
- Provide Service Salary Increases to eligible faculty (about 43 percent of faculty members).
- Continue to study the faculty salary issue.
- Develop a joint strategy for obtaining the needed state funding for the CSU budget.
CSU management declined to implement these suggestions. The California Faculty Association still plans to strike April 13-15 and April 18-19 on all 23 CSU campuses.
To read the full report click here.
George Johnston can be reached at [email protected] or @gjohnston786 on Twitter.
Christine // Apr 1, 2016 at 1:04 pm
With the up-coming faculty strike dates,how wil it impact the students finals. My son is a senior graduating May 22nd. Will the strike change the date’s of all seniors who are graduating this May?
I’m all for the pay raise that is definitely needed and I support the faculty.