Police arrest 76 during Cesar Chavez weekend


There have been 34 arrests made during Cesar Chavez weekend so far, which is less than previous years. (Photo credit: Michael Catelli).

Cesar Chavez weekend was less active than previous years, according to the Chico Police Department.

Overall, there were 76 arrests made during the weekend period of Thursday, March 31, to Sunday, April 3.

There were 18 arrests made by police on Cesar Chavez day compared to 19 last year. Additionally, during the time period of noon on Thursday to 2 a.m. on Saturday, there was a total of 34 arrests. The majority of the arrests made had to do with alcohol, according to the release.

Medical personnel responded to 11 cases of alcohol overdose during that time period.

Despite various alcohol-related charges, Sergeant Ben Love of Chico Police stated that there were no major crimes of violence during the weekend.

“This weekend was not nearly as bad as some that we’ve had,”Love said. “The staffing levels that we had were appropriate and the town wasn’t out of control.”

Stephanie Schmieding can be reached at [email protected] or @stephschmieding on Twitter.