President Gayle Hutchinson presented her convocation speech on Thursday afternoon in Laxson Auditorium. Her speech offered several broad goals for the future and promised a change in campus climate.
Hutchinson is taking over the position of Chico State President following the retirement of former president Paul Zingg last year.
Hutchinson said she would address concerns regarding staff salaries and retention of tenure track faculty positions, two issues which were brought to public attention last year when faculty threatened to go on strike.
“You tell me that morale is low,” said Hutchinson, “We are going to change that.”
Other speakers at the event seemed enthusiastic for this shift in leadership. Annette Heileson, chair of the Staff Council, said to the crowd, “We have an incredible opportunity to reboot this campus.” She added, “Change is coming. We asked for it and we got it.”
Among Gayle’s top priorities are improving campus climate, fostering student achievement, and building a diverse and inclusive community.
Hutchinson closed her speech with a nod to the Chico State motto, “Today does decide tomorrow, but together we will transform tomorrow.”
Lucas Moran can be reached be reached at [email protected] or @lucasmoran141 on Twitter.