University Police Department:
Call type: Drunk in public, Sutter Hall
Saturday 1:00 a.m.
A person reported drunk in public in front of Sutter Hall. The subject was released to medical personnel.
Call type: Burglary
Saturday 11:01 a.m., University Village
Five vehicles reported broken into. Cars had broken windows and misc items taken from each vehicle. One item of distinction is a Red duffle bag with a Disney emblem on it.
Call type: Animal Call
Saturday 1:42 p.m., Normal Avenue
Two dogs locked in car in Parking Structure 2 on first floor. The reportind party was inside with dogs taking nap.
Chico Police Department:
Call type: Drunk in public
Saturday 12:24 p.m., Park Avenue
A female at a used car lot cursing and running around. She was reported having a container of alcohol in hand and being aggressive.
Call type: Drunk in public
Saturday 2:12 p.m., Oak Street
A male subject reported in the middle of the street holding a Mexican flag acting like cars are bulls. The subject was almost gored.
Call type: Poss drug activity
Saturday 6:48 p.m., Main Street
Employees smoking marijuana in the rear parking lot under the Crazy Horse balcony. The reported party asked subject to leave and refused.
Call type: Drunk in public
Saturday 10:01 p.m., Ivy Street
Female was staggering in her front yard. a subject had urinated herself and vomited on a fence.
Kaylie Lewis can be reached at [email protected] or @kaylielewis_ on Twitter.