University Police Department
Call Type: Disturbance
Thursday 9:33 a.m., Butte Station
Woman yelling and causing a disturbance as she hands out flyers. Behavior continued throughout the day. Subjects name on flyer feel threatened.
Call Type: Medical Aid
Thursday 2:10 p.m., Normal Ave.
Male in lobby believes unknown subject put roofie in his drink.
Chico Police Department
Call Type: Threats
Thursday 8:58 a.m., Esplanade Ave.
Male made threats to kill himself and ex-girlfriend.
Call Type: Suspicious Subject
Thursday 2:17 p.m., Mangrove Ave.
Male pulling a shopping cart. Throwing things and screaming at people.
Call Type: Indecent Exposure
Thursday 3:08 p.m., East Ave.
Male subject in vehicle exposed himself to 11-year-old. Opened the door to his vehicle and started touching himself.
Call Type: Suspicious Subject
Thursday 4:12 p.m., Mangrove Ave.
Female at door yelling. Female now running across the street toward Popeyes.
Call Type: Drunk in Public
Thursday 7:15 p.m.,Independence Circle
Female recklessly driving all over the parking lot and screaming.