Chico Police Department
Call Type: Suspicious Subject
Sunday, 4:10 p.m., Cedar Village Apartments
Subject was yelling, screaming and running in the complex threatening other tenants. They left and then returned once again threatening tenants.
Call Type: Domestic Dispute
Sunday, 9:49 p.m., Forest Ave.
Man hitting a woman in the parking lot. They were arguing over keys to their vehicle, both denied any physical contact.
Call Type: Suspicious Subject
Monday, 12:09 p.m., Parkview Elementary School
Two people were measuring a gate near the school, employees thought they were with the district. When subjects were asked questions, they were uncooperative and wouldn’t tell them what they were doing.
Call Type: Threats
Monday, 6:25 p.m., Bidwell Jr. High School
Student made a threat to show up to school and shoot everyone. Teacher of student told authorities that the student makes threats all the time.
Call Type: Drunk in Public
Tuesday, 12:23 p.m., Wal-Mart
Male stumbling around, drinking beer and sitting on a picnic bench on the side of the building.
Call Type: Knife
Wednesday, 9:21 a.m., Bidwell Jr High School
Student pulled out a knife and began waving it around yelling “I’m gonna kill all the cheerleaders.” Student was suspended.
Call Type: Animal Cruelty
Thursday, 12:05 p.m., East 20th St
A woman fell from her bike, when she got up she started beating her dog. She stopped hitting the dog when officials confronted her.
University Police Department
Call Type: Suspicious Subject
Thursday, 8:46 a.m., Modoc Hall
A woman trying to open car doors near Childcare center. She walked away when she noticed someone watching her.
Call Type: Transient Call
Thursday, 1:35 p.m., Physical Science Building
Group of 3 men drinking out of a whiskey bottle under the overhang of Physical Science building, on the side near Children’s Park.
Alejandra Fraga can be reached at [email protected] or @alifragster on Twitter.