University Police
Call Type: Suspicious Subject
Tuesday 4:11 p.m., WREC
Two males were looking into the windows of the building and waving a cross around, causing a disturbance to the students and staff.
Call Type: Complaint
Tuesday 3:55 p.m., Acker Gym
Four skateboarders on the emergency path were distracting the track students.
Call Type: Suspicious Subject
Wednesday 11:41 p.m., Parking Structure 1, Cherry St.
Suspect was in the middle of the street yelling and walking towards the WREC.
Call Type: Non-Injury Hit and Run
Thursday 9:10 a.m., Parking Structure 1, Cherry St.
Vehicle was hit in the parking lot, searching for suspected vehicle.
Call Type: Drug Use
Thursday 1:41 p.m., Bidwell Bowl Amphitheater
Student passed by a large group of people smoking marijuana.
Call Type: Suspicious Activity
Thursday 5:17 p.m., Physical Science Building
During class a student witnessed a classmate searching guns on his laptop.
Chico Police:
Call Type: Assault
Monday 12:50 p.m., 700 Nord Avenue
Woman tried to get her son out of bed. Her son became angry and shoved his foot in her face.
Call Type: Threat
Monday 12:58 p.m., Unknown Address
Student made a threat to “shoot students.” Student was suspended and pulled from class, then sent home.
Call Type: Suspicious Subject
Tuesday 6:10 a.m., 2400 Notre Dame Blvd
Male was sleeping inside dumpster with sleeping bag and candles.
Call Type: Stolen Vehicle
Tuesday 7:18 a.m., 1000 San Ramon Dr.
Woman suspected that her 15-year-old son stole her car.
Call Type: Assault
Wednesday 12:06 a.m., 400 Broadway St.
Strange man approached woman and hit her phone out of her hand and asked for money, he ran off to 5th Street Steakhouse.
Call Type: Disturbance
Wednesday 8:57 a.m., 200 Walnut St.
Homeless man waving a stick at people, yelling and screaming that he is going to kill someone.