University Police
Call Type: Vandalism
Monday 10:10 a.m., Whitney Hall Dormitory
Someone broke the window of a vehicle.
Call Type: Suspicious Subject
Monday 10:43 a.m., Performing Arts Center
A suspicious man with no shoes roaming the building turns out to be a former student.
Call Type: Disturbance
Tuesday 10:30 a.m., Physical Science Building
A group of people was caught loitering under the overhang.
Call Type: Illegal Lodging
Tuesday 10:50 a.m., John I. Sylvester’s Cafe
A group of people was camped out under the bridge with their coolers.
Call Type: Illegal Lodging
Wednesday 9:30 a.m., Ayres Hall
Two people were sleeping inside of the building.
Call Type: Vandalism
Wednesday 2:18 p.m., Yolo Hall
A window was broken by what appears to be a BB gun.
Call Type: Directed Patrol
Thursday 7:50 a.m., Tehama Hall
A man has been blocking access for two days sleeping in front of the door with his bike.
Call Type: Subject Stop
Thursday 8:54 p.m., Colusa Hall
A person with an unfriendly pitbull dog was on the east side of the building.
Chico Police
Call Type: Stabbing
Monday 6:13 a.m., address unknown
A man was stabbed multiple times in the back.
Call Type: Neighbor Dispute
Monday 2:12 p.m., 300 Rio Lindo Ave.
Some neighbors argued after one’s four-year-old child pointed a popsicle stick at the other as if he was going to stab him.
Call Type: Disturbance
Tuesday 9:39 a.m., 2100 Esplanade
A rude transient with a pit bull dog spit on a city employee from a bridge.
Call Type: Suspicious Subject
Tuesday 12:06 p.m., 2000 Forest Ave.
A man with a striped green backpack was caught stealing bike seats.
Call Type: Disturbance
Wednesday 4:22 p.m., 2100 Pillsbury Rd.
A hysterical man called the police because a store manager threatened to beat him up. He claimed he is a victim of a terrorist threat.
Call Type: Neighbor Dispute
Wednesday 11:27 p.m., 1000 Poplar St.
A man claimed his neighbor was shining a light into his bedroom window for an unknown reason.
Call Type: Refusing to Leave
Thursday 12:34 a.m., 800 East Ave.
A woman was in front of a store harassing customers.
Call Type: Theft
Thursday 9:08 a.m., 300 Broadway St.
A man stole a kite from an unknown store.