Hundreds of students danced and roller skated across Chico State’s gym Friday night at the first annual WREC n’ Roll.
WREC organizers rented the roller skates and musical equipment from All Sports Galaxy, an ice rink and roller blading rental company. Students had a choice between inline or classic roller skates; most went with the classic choice because they were easier to balance on for inexperienced skaters.
Chico State Programs Coordinator Brooke McCall helped organize this event and said she wanted to test out this new event.
“We wanted to do something different and fun that students might not usually have access to or think to do,” McCall said. “There’s going to be great music, snacks and we are hoping for at least 150 students to show up, but we have the capacity for 200.”
McCall’s estimate was quickly surpassed as at least 200 students roller skated throughout the night. Due to the high turnout, McCall said students can expect to see this event again during Welcome Week next year.
While most of the skaters were new, a few experienced skaters showed off their skills and helped those who were struggling to find their balance.
Chico State junior Thomas Roberts said he learned how to roller skate when he was three and he still regularly roller skates around town. Even though Roberts was one of the better skaters at the event, he said was impressed by newcomers.
“I thought more people would have fallen,” Roberts said, ”but everyone is doing great and having a lot of fun.”
Kathryn Sykes can be reached at [email protected] or at @katesykes_orion on Twitter.